Queen of the Castle

My daily thoughts are shared with you so that the boys will no longer see me walking around the house talking to myself!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Why God gave us the TV

Let me start out by saying that I do think that we are rather prudent about our TV usage here. Usually half an hour on school days (if it goes on at all) and a few hours on Saturday - Brennan and Dad time.

But today we broke all of the records. And it was an absolute gift from above.

I was, shall we say, really under the weather today! And so while Jonathan napped for three hours (Thank you!) the boys watched while I rested. When I woke, I found that they had gotten hungry, so rather than wake me Nicholas made everyone PB & J sandwiches, a banana, and a yogurt. (Thank you!) How lazy can I be! Here my precious 5 year old is working hard so that "You can feel better Mom!". Maybe the "teaching them enthapy" thing is working better than we previously thought.

But even after I awoke, that TV saved me. We could just be still. I don't even want to tell you just how much they watched today. And by now, antibiotics are kicking in and all is getting much better. (And thank you, thank you for that one!)

Speaking of the antibiotics, I do get frustrated when a doctor gives me weird looks when I mention that my 14 month old still nurses on occasion. His response: "There is no need after the first three months and that way you don't have to be tied down all of the time." *sigh*


At 9:36 PM, Blogger Celeste Creates said...

I hope you feel better soon!

And one day is much better than our 15 days or so in July!

At 9:54 PM, Blogger Jill said...

Feel better soon!
My kids all nursed past a year. I was told to quit a million times- especially with the boys. They claimed I wouldn't have enough milk and I should supplement. Later, they told me I had an oversupply problem and I should quit due to cases of mastitis that I kept getting. You just can't win. :)

At 12:42 PM, Blogger Crafty Mom said...

I nursed Nicholas until 26 months and never had any doctor tell me to quit or ask why. I never realized how thankful I should be.

Hope you are feeling better! Nothing is worse than one ill mommy with several well children.

At 7:52 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

TVs are great for sick days. No guilt.

I rarely tell anyone in the medical profession (including pediatricians) that I am still nursing after a child turns one. I did need something for a cough when he was just over a year old, but I told my doctor I was nursing a "baby" and didn't mention age when discussing safety of nursing while taking various drugs.

It's just not worth a battle. Not necessary over 3 months? Pul-eeze. No need to be "tied down"? What burdens these infants are!


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