Queen of the Castle

My daily thoughts are shared with you so that the boys will no longer see me walking around the house talking to myself!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Let There Be Heat?

If you have read Celeste's post, you will hear that the cold, wintry weather has finally made its way down to Houston. Yes, as her post states, we really are that crazy! We love our high of 36 degrees (stop laughing now, all you northerners!) and rejoice at our respite from the 100 degrees with 99.9 % humidity! As I have fully adapted to southern Texas weather, I too would be joining in Celeste's joy if...we had working heat!

Yes that's right! Our little used central heat just isn't coming on. It seems to be a faulty thermocouple or something - the control board tries to kick the system on a few times, but to no avail.

Ah well! In the meantime we bundle up, my 6 year old can learn the joy of actually having to wear socks, and we can say a quick prayer for those less fortunate than ourselves! At least we have a nice house in which to bunker down! Praise be to God!


At 1:48 PM, Blogger Celeste Creates said...

Hope you can get it fixed!!!!! We have had luck with Building Air Service over the years.

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Crafty Mom said...

Weeks was awesome for us!! Long distance from Cincinnati they went out to our Houston home and fixed our AC. I know they do heating too. Have to laugh at the sock thing though!! Nicholas is going through an undressing phase. It is a constant 30 something or less outside and he feels the need to remove all clothing and diaper at least once per day.


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