Queen of the Castle

My daily thoughts are shared with you so that the boys will no longer see me walking around the house talking to myself!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I have never been one to make hard and fast resolutions for each new year. I have kind of scoffed at the typical "lose weight, go on vacation" goals that have really not seemed much for me. As I have started reading other's resolutions, however, I really like the idea of thinking of just little improvements that you can make in every aspect of life. Nothing overwhelming, nothing that I can already say "yep, I am not going to make that one!". So I am giving it a go:

Spiritually, I would like to get back to Adoration every month. I had been better about this in the past, and now is a great time to start again. I also have been attempting to get to Reconciliation once a month the last couple months and would like to continue that.

Physically, well, I get plenty of exercise between the boys and softball, and really if I keep down on the colas my weight kind of takes care of itself. I feel much better if I eat breakfast with my coffee instead of skipping food. It also wouldn't hurt to set a bedtime and KEEP IT!

Emotionally, I need to better let go of my frustrations instead of dwelling on them. I tend to get so wrapped up in what isn't happening just the way that I have planned that I stress out not only myself but everyone else. I have a Bible passage book that may be good to read any time I start to feel frustrated about something - maybe that would work as a goal (or a quick Our Father if it is a situation that I am in the middle of).

As far as the boys are concerned, they really are old enough to do more. I attempt to shortcut way too often and don't insist that they do many chores themselves. I will buckle down on them for a day or two, and then give it up. So I am going to actually write up a schedule and a chore chart for the boys (something I have done for myself, but been hesitant to do for the boys, not wanting to structure their day so much that they don't get free time).

With my husband, I really want to continue to keep my evenings free to be available to him (A Mother's Rule Thing!). That has been wonderful, and I really treasure the evenings spent with him while the boys are asleep.

And the household, well we are still getting rid of stuff and it is actually going well. This will continue to be a process, making sure everything has a place to go or else it is tossed. But at least I can say that I have started this one already!

I just need to take each of these one at a time and add a new one each month. I will start with the house since I already have begun that and continue with Reconciliation. The key for me is not to do too much at once. This is where I like Michelle's monthly resolutions. Maybe I can tackle a different one in February!


At 7:25 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

I really think monthly resolutions are the way to go.


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