Queen of the Castle

My daily thoughts are shared with you so that the boys will no longer see me walking around the house talking to myself!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Santa's Little Elf

Philip has taken to helping with the presents from grandparents - by unwrapping them. I have had them in my closet, but occasionally I forget to close the door and so we have another casualty.

Now this is unfortunate because I had just managed to use up the last bit of Christmas wrapping that I had stored. So when the first present he got to was Jonathan's from Uncle Phil, I decided not to rewrap it - after all, Jonathan is 6 months old, what would he care!. Then the next present was mine from my Mom (thanks for the gravy boat Mom! We will use it with our Christmas dinner!). Whew, at least no need to rewrap that.

But yesterday, he got into his present from my husband's parents. I have not decided whether it is worth it to buy paper just to rewrap it, or to just let it go and put it under the tree unwrapped. I HAVE decided to move the presents from my closet to the garage.

Hey, why didn't I do that earlier anyway. I am just so slow sometimes!


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