Queen of the Castle

My daily thoughts are shared with you so that the boys will no longer see me walking around the house talking to myself!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Devotions Meme

I was tagged by Celeste, so here goes!

1. Favorite devotion or prayer to Jesus?
I love the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. I really want to fit this in daily as well at some point in the near future.

2. Favorite Marian devotion or prayer?
The Rosary. I have been saying a couple of decades while I sit in the shower each morning. Great way to start the day and I really notice it when I decide to rush and skip it!

3. Do you wear a scapular or medal?

4. Do you have holy water in your home?
We have a bottle that is in our front hall right when you come in the main door.

5. Do you offer up your sufferings?
I do when I think about it. I figure I need to practice this more so that it will become second nature. This is one attribute of many of the saints we read about that I really admire - they seemed to offer up sufferings so naturally!

6. Do you observe First Fridays and First Saturdays?
No, but I would really like to - maybe with Mass and/or Adoration?

7. Do you go to Eucharistic Adoration? How frequently?
I use to go once a month - absolutely wonderful. One of the best experiences with Adoration was when I went right before my c section with Nicholas. I was starting to become anxious and was really becoming quite neurotic! After spending a wonderful hour at Adoration just contemplating everything and asking Jesus for help, I felt so at peace! Everything went smoothly after that! I have fallen out of the habit the last year as my husband has had school at night when our parish offers Adoration, but I plan to get back to it this year!

8. Are you a Saturday evening Mass person or Sunday morning Mass person?
Sunday morning, defintely! I think it has to do with my Baptist roots - we always went Sunday morning (and Sunday night!).

9. Do you say prayers at mealtime?
Yes, for all three meals.

10. Favorite Saint(s)?
Mary, St. Therese, St. Clare

11. Can you recite the Apostles Creed by heart?

12. Do you usually say short prayers (aspirations) during the course of the day?
I have little conversations with God off and on all day long - this is how I get through most days!

13. Where is your favorite place to pray?
Anywhere I am relatively alone.

14. Bonus Question: When you pass by a automobile accident or other serious mishap, do you say a quick prayer for the folks involved?
Every time!

I think I am the last one to do this. I have been way slow getting back into routine!


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