Queen of the Castle

My daily thoughts are shared with you so that the boys will no longer see me walking around the house talking to myself!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Definitely Not Southern Living

As I began to prepare dinner the other day, I looked around at my house. And I discovered that I was not in the house that I had envisioned inhabiting at this point in my life. I pictured more of an organized, tidy place where kiddos would arrive home from school and have cookies at the counter. A place where I could unashamedly have people over for coffee. More of a magazine kind of look. How corny, huh! Actually, maybe how vain. Or naive. Whatever.

I did always want to be happily married, staying at home with four wonderful children. And I definitely have that part down. But when there are four little boys, schooling, playing, and just plain living in this little 1800 sq ft house 24/7, I end up seeing scenes like this instead

Not what I had always pictured.

But as I sit down amidst the pleasant chaos at the end of the day, with dinner on the stove, I notice this

And I realize that while I may not have my picture perfect home, I may just have something even better!


At 9:43 PM, Blogger Celeste Creates said...

You've got love love love!

At 12:37 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

I had a fantasy of going from room tor oom after my kids left for school and doing little detail tidying...and by 10 am, having a perfectly clean home wherein I could relax with some tea before beginning to bake bread or cookies or start on dinner or fold the laundry or run errands. Everything would be neat and clean by the time the kids came home and we would snuggle with cookies and milk and a good book before dinner.

It's not quite like that here. But, I love it anyway.

At 4:06 PM, Blogger Jen said...

I was totally struggling with this myself. I have a wonderful vision of the kids quietly coloring or doing crafts, some classical music in the backround, and maybe a loaf of bread in the oven. So far, the music is the kids yelling and screaming, the coloring is usually on a wall or table, and the bread is from our local grocery store. But, like you, I have the four wonderful kids and loving husband. :-) Great post! I love the two little ones at the end picture. Too cute!

At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and started reading this post. My 3yo son was with me and said, "There's our house" while pointing to the first photo showing your coffee table.
So happy I 'found' you. Will be back to visit soon.

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Jill said...

I'm so glad to see that other people have scenes like this around their homes. Thanks for the dose of reality. My kitchen table always looks like that. Do you have a child that LOVES to cut and glue anything and everything? My four-year-old is that way. But, who can stop her from making a puppet theater with a paper clown? I'll take the mess...and the fun...and the chaos of four kids. And we can always dream that someday we'll have it all together. :)


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