Queen of the Castle

My daily thoughts are shared with you so that the boys will no longer see me walking around the house talking to myself!

Monday, February 05, 2007

The Hazards of Showering

As the older boys have become too big to bathe all together, we have split bathing times. In the morning Nicholas takes a shower while I get Philip and Jonathan dressed and Brennan gets started on schoolwork. He takes his in the boys bathroom with the door open, so I can keep an eye on him as I help Brennan and dress little ones. He may have to start closing the door, however...

This morning as Nicholas was bathing and I was helping Brennan, Philip felt the need to use the toilet. Now I am proud that he is able and willing to go all by himself (what a big boy!) but that also means that he can do so without my noticing. This is a problem when he decides to use the toilet in the same bathroom where Nicholas is showering. You see, Philip is very good (the best of the boys so far!) at remembering to flush, at which Nicholas was subjected to suddenly very cold, then suddenly very hot water. Of course Nicholas, stunned by this turn of events, felt the need to overreact and while screaming, bit his tongue.

After this we closed the door, and I reminded Philip to use the other bathroom. I have not wanted the door closed because I was concerned about the water factor. I have never really heard an age at which you can leave them bathing unattended. This is a shower, not a bath, and Nicholas is almost 5, so with a momentary check in I may be able to become comfortable with this. And it may be a great time to start discussing the need for privacy with the oldest two.


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