Balancing Faith and Reason
I had my checkup with my regular doctor today, basically so I could get my referral to my hematologist for my check up with him so I could have the official okay to get my wisdom teeth removed (gotta love HMOs!). This is the first time that I have seen my regular doctor since I went in 4 years ago for a checkup, at which my blood test showed the high platelet count that started that particular drama.
The doctor and I were both rolling eyes over the hoops that you have to jump through when seeing a specialist on a HMO plan. I made the comment "well, since I will have this disorder the rest of my life, they should just give me a pass". At that, my doc said "well, you don't know that. Doctors may have to tell you that up front, but they aren't God."
This is funny, because when I was first diagnosed, all info I received stressed how permanent the diagnosis was. Literature even went so far as to say that if platelet counts normalized after diagnosis, either the diagnosis was wrong or the condition was worsening - basically that there could be no miracles. Yet here was a doctor saying just the opposite, that miracles do still happen.
I think back to Jesus's time, as he made the lame walk, the blind see, and healed the lepers. There were those that would have said that those miracles were impossible too, but Jesus defied all of the naysayers. I think that in today's day and age, with all of the research and information, it causes those in the know to often write off miracles that occur as "misdiagnoses". Yet it is hard for humans to admit, that even though we seem to know so much, we are not omnipotent, but God is.
Now, I am not saying that I am looking for a miracle in my case and I will continue to have the checkups in order to ensure that health is as it should be, but I should never write off what God can or cannot do. I know the odds are stacked against the problem going away and I will take care of myself accordingly - that is reason. But I will also remember that God has at times in history chosen to do the miraculous and He very well could in my life today - that is faith.
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