Queen of the Castle

My daily thoughts are shared with you so that the boys will no longer see me walking around the house talking to myself!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Ten Random Facts Meme

Tagged by mom to almost four:

Ten Random Facts About Me:

1. I am one of the many fans eagerly awaiting the next Chicago Cubs World Series title - even appearance. For those who know nothing about baseball, the Cubs last victory was 1908. What can I say - I like the underdog!

2. I singed my hair in my 9th grade physical science class - actually I singed off my bangs almost entirely!

3. Combining my first two bits (baseball and injury), I also caught a line drive in the mouth when I was 8 years old and had to wear braces to hold my teeth in until the break in the bone healed.

4. I was a high school cheerleader - and if we ever have a daughter, I would NEVER let her be one!

5. I have an overwhelming fear of large bodies of water. That's why I don't see myself ever going on a cruise!

6. Any time I eat Italian food, I love to drink nice cold milk instead of wine. I've been told that this is very weird!

7. I would pick watching a great clean comedy over a sappy love story any day. The old Cary Grant "Arsenic and Old Lace" is my absolute favorite!

8. I love building toys (legos, Lincoln logs, etc.) and could sit and build with the boys for hours on end.

9. I find snakes very interesting and would not mind getting one as a pet for the boys, since I always wanted one but my mom said "absolutely not!".

10. The two things that I miss most about living in Houston are no snow (except for that amazing Christmas Eve 2 years back) and no Braums - a tremendous ice cream and dairy store chain that is all over Oklahoma, Kansas, and north Texas.

As I am still relatively new to the blogosphere, I don't know who else to tag - if I think of someone I will update this post!


At 8:44 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

My whole family thought ice cold milk went great with spaghetti. I told some Italian-Americans that, and they looked at me like I was from outer-space.


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