Queen of the Castle

My daily thoughts are shared with you so that the boys will no longer see me walking around the house talking to myself!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

My Little Author

We were having an issue with Brennan scribbling little pictures all over his math and phonics workbook pages. I didn't want to make a big deal about it - after all he loves to draw - but it was getting to the point that it was interfering with the work on the page. It was about this time that I read a post on Rachel's website about her young son's school journal. A journal? What a great idea!

Since I have no qualms about copying other's ideas, I went out and bought a picture story pad (drawing page with 3 primary manuscript lines for writing). I told Brennan that he was not to draw on other workbook pages because he would get his chance every day after lunch to draw a picture in this book and it could be whatever he wants to draw about. When he finishes, we work together to write what the picture is about underneath. He has loved doing this! It is his favorite part of the school day! So far his book has been a collection of superheroes, treasure maps, soldiers, and battleships. And it has significantly decreased the doodles on his other work. I have also seen just how much improvement there has been in his phonics as we slowly sound out the words together. The other day he spelled out Darth Vader perfectly without help other than slowly saying each sound.

I am so glad that he enjoys this and hope that he continues to have such a love for drawing and writing.


At 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great idea! Katie too loves to make little doodles all over her math workbook. I think it stems from boredom during the easy parts. She loves to tell stories. Now she can write and illustrate her own.


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