Queen of the Castle

My daily thoughts are shared with you so that the boys will no longer see me walking around the house talking to myself!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Relaxing Afternoon

I had these plans. This week, we were going to get through another section of our Learning About Plants Science book. We were going to paint art reproductions. We would begin a new chapter book in the afternoons. And we would begin again with our Who Am I catechism program, which we have just not gotten around to completing as of late.

Then, life intervened. We had an unexpected (but always pleasant) visit from Granddad on Monday. The beautiful weather has kept us outdoors as much as possible. The only routine that we had kept so far this week was our "morning basics" - reading, writing, math. I was beginning to panic that we just weren't accomplishing any of our afternoon studies.

Then I looked at what we had done in those lazy afternoons. Spent rare time with Granddad. Collected various bugs and interesting leaves, twigs, and rocks. Watched our garden grow. Had several discussions about God, as the creator of all that we were enjoying. Oh, and we did start to read "House At Pooh Corner".

We haven't been missing out at all. We have been so immersed in learning that I didn't even realize it was happening! And that is a great place to be!


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